Rails 4 Generate Secret Key Base

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Rails 4 Generate Secret Key Base Average ratng: 7,5/10 7218 votes
  1. Rails Generate Secret_key_base For Production
  2. Rails Generate Model
salt='encrypted cookie'
signed_salt='signed encrypted cookie'
key_generator=ActiveSupport::KeyGenerator.new(secret_key_base,iterations: 1000)
encryptor=ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor.new(secret,sign_secret,serializer: JSON)
# generate keys #
encrypted_cookie_salt='encrypted cookie'# default: Rails.application.config.action_dispatch.encrypted_cookie_salt
encrypted_signed_cookie_salt='signed encrypted cookie'# default: Rails.application.config.action_dispatch.encrypted_signed_cookie_salt
# Verify #
raise'invalid message'unlessdigestOpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(OpenSSL::Digest::SHA1.new,sign_secret,data)
# you better use secure compare instead of `` to prevent time based attact,
# ref: ActiveSupport::SecurityUtils.secure_compare
# Decrypt #
decrypted_data << cipher.final

commented Mar 12, 2017

. Deprecate `secrets.secrettoken`. The architecture for secrets had a big upgrade between Rails 3 and Rails 4, when the default changed from using `secrettoken` to `secretkeybase`. `secrettoken` has been soft deprecated in documentation for four years: but is still in place to support apps created before Rails 4. Technically the purpose of secrectkeybase is to be the secret input for the application’s keygenerator method (check Rails.application.keygenerator). The application’s keygenerator, and thus secretkeybase, are used by three core features within the Rails framework. App error: Missing `secretkeybase` for 'production' environment, set this value in `config/secrets.yml` (RuntimeError) - secretkeybase. After a little research. `secrets.secrettoken` is now used in all places `config.secrettoken` was - `secrets.secrettoken`, when not present in `config/secrets.yml`, now falls back to the value of `config.secrettoken` - when `secrets.secrettoken` is set, it over-writes `config.secrettoken` so they are the same (for backwards-compatibility) - Update docs to reference app.secrets in all places - Remove references. Secrettoken.rb文件的内容包括一个长随机string,用于validation已签名cookie的完整性 (例如用户login到您的Web应用程序时的用户会话)。. 文档说: 使用secrettoken.rb初始化程序中现有的secretkeybase为任何用户在生产模式下运行Rails应用程序设置SECRETKEYBASE环境variables。或者,您可以简单地将现有的secretkey.

Aug 04, 2014  We are running Ubuntu 14.04, here is how we set up our SECRETKEYBASE environmental variable: ssh into your production server and run sudo nano /etc/environment. This will open the environment file in nano text editor. You need to add two lines at the bottom of this file: export SECRETKEYBASE=secret ruby -e 'p ENV'SECRETKEYBASE'. 9 Upgrading from Rails 3.1 to Rails 3.2. If your application is currently on any version of Rails older than 3.1.x, you should upgrade to Rails 3.1 before attempting an update to Rails 3.2. The following changes are meant for upgrading your application to the latest 3.2.x version of Rails.

Lovely, thank you! 🎉

In line 10 of the first one, you use ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor.key_len which does not exist in Rails 5.0.0. I substituted OpenSSL::Cipher.new('aes-256-cbc').key_len, which was 32 on my machine.

commented Jan 17, 2018

@erose You are right! I didn't realize that ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor.key_len got added in 5.0.1!

http://api.rubyonrails.org/v5.0.0/classes/ActiveSupport/MessageEncryptor.html vs

commented Mar 15, 2018

For Rails 5.1 I needed to remove serializer: JSONhttps://gist.github.com/tadast/769541b7fb82b31466dc620af40fe362

Our serial key generator tool is clean of viruses and can be used 100%. As you can see, the tool has an user friendly interface, anyone can handle it. With this tool you can generate code as cd key number that you are looking for. Watch dogs cd key generator 2013. The key code is valid and you can try it and be able to play Watch Dogs 2 for free.

commented Jul 1, 2018

How did you guys handle development where Rails.application.secrets.secret_key_base is nil?

commented Mar 31, 2020

For what it's worth, this didn't work for me under rails 5.2.4, but here's what worked for me: https://gist.github.com/nevans/558b69f227c243f63552a6f91915424f

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1 Upgrading to Rails 4.1

If you're upgrading an existing application, it's a great idea to have good testcoverage before going in. You should also first upgrade to Rails 4.0 in case youhaven't and make sure your application still runs as expected before attemptingan update to Rails 4.1. A list of things to watch out for when upgrading isavailable in theUpgrading Ruby on Railsguide.

2 Major Features

2.1 Spring Application Preloader

Spring is a Rails application preloader. It speeds up development by keepingyour application running in the background so you don't need to boot it everytime you run a test, rake task or migration.

New Rails 4.1 applications will ship with 'springified' binstubs. This meansthat bin/rails and bin/rake will automatically take advantage of preloadedspring environments.

Running rake tasks:

Running a Rails command:

Rails Generate Secret_key_base For Production

Spring introspection:

Have a look at theSpring README tosee all available features.

See the Upgrading Ruby on Railsguide on how to migrate existing applications to use this feature.

2.2 config/secrets.yml

Rails 4.1 generates a new secrets.yml file in the config folder. By default,this file contains the application's secret_key_base, but it could also beused to store other secrets such as access keys for external APIs.

The secrets added to this file are accessible via Rails.application.secrets.For example, with the following config/secrets.yml:

Rails.application.secrets.some_api_key returns SOMEKEY in the developmentenvironment.

See the Upgrading Ruby on Railsguide on how to migrate existing applications to use this feature.

2.3 Action Pack Variants

We often want to render different HTML/JSON/XML templates for phones,tablets, and desktop browsers. Variants make it easy.

The request variant is a specialization of the request format, like :tablet,:phone, or :desktop.

You can set the variant in a before_action:

Respond to variants in the action just like you respond to formats:

Provide separate templates for each format and variant:

You can also simplify the variants definition using the inline syntax:

2.4 Action Mailer Previews

Action Mailer previews provide a way to see how emails look by visitinga special URL that renders them.

You implement a preview class whose methods return the mail object you'd liketo check:

The preview is available in http://localhost:3000/rails/mailers/notifier/welcome,and a list of them in http://localhost:3000/rails/mailers.

By default, these preview classes live in test/mailers/previews.This can be configured using the preview_path option.

See itsdocumentationfor a detailed write up.

2.5 Active Record enums

Declare an enum attribute where the values map to integers in the database, butcan be queried by name.

See itsdocumentationfor a detailed write up.

2.6 Message Verifiers

Message verifiers can be used to generate and verify signed messages. This canbe useful to safely transport sensitive data like remember-me tokens andfriends.

The method Rails.application.message_verifier returns a new message verifierthat signs messages with a key derived from secret_key_base and the givenmessage verifier name:

2.7 Module#concerning

A natural, low-ceremony way to separate responsibilities within a class:

This example is equivalent to defining a EventTracking module inline,extending it with ActiveSupport::Concern, then mixing it in to theTodo class.

See itsdocumentationfor a detailed write up and the intended use cases.

2.8 CSRF protection from remote <script> tags

Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) protection now covers GET requests withJavaScript responses, too. That prevents a third-party site from referencingyour JavaScript URL and attempting to run it to extract sensitive data.

This means any of your tests that hit .js URLs will now fail CSRF protectionunless they use xhr. Upgrade your tests to be explicit about expectingXmlHttpRequests. Instead of post :create, format: :js, switch to the explicitxhr :post, :create, format: :js.

3 Railties

Please refer to theChangelogfor detailed changes.

3.1 Removals

  • Removed update:application_controller rake task.

  • Removed deprecated Rails.application.railties.engines.

  • Removed deprecated threadsafe! from Rails Config.

  • Removed deprecated ActiveRecord::Generators::ActiveModel#update_attributes infavor of ActiveRecord::Generators::ActiveModel#update.

  • Removed deprecated config.whiny_nils option.

  • Removed deprecated rake tasks for running tests: rake test:uncommitted andrake test:recent.

3.2 Notable changes

  • The Spring applicationpreloader is now installedby default for new applications. It uses the development group ofthe Gemfile, so will not be installed inproduction. (Pull Request)

  • BACKTRACE environment variable to show unfiltered backtraces for testfailures. (Commit)

  • Exposed MiddlewareStack#unshift to environmentconfiguration. (Pull Request)

  • Added Application#message_verifier method to return a messageverifier. (Pull Request)

  • The test_help.rb file which is required by the default generated testhelper will automatically keep your test database up-to-date withdb/schema.rb (or db/structure.sql). It raises an error ifreloading the schema does not resolve all pending migrations. Opt outwith config.active_record.maintain_test_schema = false. (PullRequest)

  • Introduce Rails.gem_version as a convenience method to returnGem::Version.new(Rails.version), suggesting a more reliable way to performversion comparison. (Pull Request)

4 Action Pack

Please refer to theChangelogfor detailed changes.

4.1 Removals

  • Removed deprecated Rails application fallback for integration testing, setActionDispatch.test_app instead.

  • Removed deprecated page_cache_extension config.

  • Removed deprecated ActionController::RecordIdentifier, useActionView::RecordIdentifier instead.

  • Removed deprecated constants from Action Controller:


4.2 Notable changes

  • protect_from_forgery also prevents cross-origin <script> tags.Update your tests to use xhr :get, :foo, format: :js instead ofget :foo, format: :js.(Pull Request)

  • #url_for takes a hash with options inside anarray. (Pull Request)

  • Added session#fetch method fetch behaves similarly toHash#fetch,with the exception that the returned value is always saved into thesession. (Pull Request)

  • Separated Action View completely from ActionPack. (Pull Request)

  • Log which keys were affected by deepmunge. (Pull Request)

  • New config option config.action_dispatch.perform_deep_munge to opt out ofparams 'deep munging' that was used to address security vulnerabilityCVE-2013-0155. (Pull Request)

  • New config option config.action_dispatch.cookies_serializer for specifying aserializer for the signed and encrypted cookie jars. (Pull Requests1,2 /More Details)

  • Added render :plain, render :html and render:body. (Pull Request /More Details)

5 Action Mailer

Please refer to theChangelogfor detailed changes.

5.1 Notable changes

  • Added mailer previews feature based on 37 Signals mail_viewgem. (Commit)

  • Instrument the generation of Action Mailer messages. The time it takes togenerate a message is written to the log. (Pull Request)

6 Active Record

Please refer to theChangelogfor detailed changes.

6.1 Removals

  • Removed deprecated nil-passing to the following SchemaCache methods:primary_keys, tables, columns and columns_hash.

  • Removed deprecated block filter from ActiveRecord::Migrator#migrate.

  • Removed deprecated String constructor from ActiveRecord::Migrator.

  • Removed deprecated scope use without passing a callable object.

  • Removed deprecated transaction_joinable= in favor of begin_transactionwith a :joinable option.

  • Removed deprecated decrement_open_transactions.

  • Removed deprecated increment_open_transactions.

  • Removed deprecated PostgreSQLAdapter#outside_transaction?method. You can use #transaction_open? instead.

  • Removed deprecated ActiveRecord::Fixtures.find_table_name in favor ofActiveRecord::Fixtures.default_fixture_model_name.

  • Removed deprecated columns_for_remove from SchemaStatements.

  • Removed deprecated SchemaStatements#distinct.

  • Moved deprecated ActiveRecord::TestCase into the Rails testsuite. The class is no longer public and is only used for internalRails tests.

  • Removed support for deprecated option :restrict for :dependentin associations.

  • Removed support for deprecated :delete_sql, :insert_sql, :finder_sqland :counter_sql options in associations.

  • Removed deprecated method type_cast_code from Column.

  • Removed deprecated ActiveRecord::Base#connection method.Make sure to access it via the class.

  • Removed deprecation warning for auto_explain_threshold_in_seconds.

  • Removed deprecated :distinct option from Relation#count.

  • Removed deprecated methods partial_updates, partial_updates? andpartial_updates=.

  • Removed deprecated method scoped.

  • Removed deprecated method default_scopes?.

  • Remove implicit join references that were deprecated in 4.0.

  • Removed activerecord-deprecated_finders as a dependency.Please see the gem READMEfor more info.

  • Removed usage of implicit_readonly. Please use readonly methodexplicitly to mark records asreadonly. (Pull Request)

6.2 Deprecations

  • Deprecated quoted_locking_column method, which isn't used anywhere.

  • Deprecated ConnectionAdapters::SchemaStatements#distinct,as it is no longer used by internals. (Pull Request)

  • Deprecated rake db:test:* tasks as the test database is nowautomatically maintained. See railties release notes. (PullRequest)

  • Deprecate unused ActiveRecord::Base.symbolized_base_classand ActiveRecord::Base.symbolized_sti_name withoutreplacement. Commit

6.3 Notable changes

  • Default scopes are no longer overridden by chained conditions.

Before this change when you defined a default_scope in a model it was overridden by chained conditions in the same field. Now it is merged like any other scope. More Details.

  • Added ActiveRecord::Base.to_param for convenient 'pretty' URLs derived froma model's attribute ormethod. (Pull Request)

  • Added ActiveRecord::Base.no_touching, which allows ignoring touch onmodels. (Pull Request)

  • Unify boolean type casting for MysqlAdapter and Mysql2Adapter.type_cast will return 1 for true and 0 for false. (Pull Request)

  • .unscope now removes conditions specified indefault_scope. (Commit)

  • Added ActiveRecord::QueryMethods#rewhere which will overwrite an existing,named where condition. (Commit)

  • Extended ActiveRecord::Base#cache_key to take an optional list of timestampattributes of which the highest will be used. (Commit)

  • Added ActiveRecord::Base#enum for declaring enum attributes where the valuesmap to integers in the database, but can be queried byname. (Commit)

  • Type cast json values on write, so that the value is consistent with readingfrom the database. (Pull Request)

  • Type cast hstore values on write, so that the value is consistentwith reading from the database. (Commit)

  • Make next_migration_number accessible for third partygenerators. (Pull Request)

  • Calling update_attributes will now throw an ArgumentError whenever itgets a nil argument. More specifically, it will throw an error if theargument that it gets passed does not respond to tostringify_keys. (Pull Request)

  • CollectionAssociation#first/#last (e.g. has_many) use a LIMITedquery to fetch results rather than loading the entirecollection. (Pull Request)

  • inspect on Active Record model classes does not initiate a newconnection. This means that calling inspect, when the database is missing,will no longer raise an exception. (Pull Request)

  • Removed column restrictions for count, let the database raise if the SQL isinvalid. (Pull Request)

  • Rails now automatically detects inverse associations. If you do not set the:inverse_of option on the association, then Active Record will guess theinverse association based on heuristics. (Pull Request)

  • Handle aliased attributes in ActiveRecord::Relation. When using symbol keys,ActiveRecord will now translate aliased attribute names to the actual columnname used in the database. (Pull Request)

  • The ERB in fixture files is no longer evaluated in the context of the mainobject. Helper methods used by multiple fixtures should be defined on modulesincluded in ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.context_class. (Pull Request)

  • Don't create or drop the test database if RAILS_ENV is specifiedexplicitly. (Pull Request)

  • Relation no longer has mutator methods like #map! and #delete_if. Convertto an Array by calling #to_a before using these methods. (Pull Request)

  • find_in_batches, find_each, Result#each and Enumerable#index_by nowreturn an Enumerator that can calculate itssize. (Pull Request)

  • scope, enum and Associations now raise on 'dangerous' nameconflicts. (Pull Request,Pull Request)

  • second through fifth methods act like the firstfinder. (Pull Request)

  • Make touch fire the after_commit and after_rollbackcallbacks. (Pull Request)

  • Enable partial indexes for sqlite >= 3.8.0.(Pull Request)

  • Make change_column_nullrevertible. (Commit)

  • Added a flag to disable schema dump after migration. This is set to falseby default in the production environment for new applications.(Pull Request)

7 Active Model

Please refer to theChangelogfor detailed changes.

7.1 Deprecations

  • Deprecate Validator#setup. This should be done manually now in thevalidator's constructor. (Commit)

7.2 Notable changes

  • Added new API methods reset_changes and changes_applied toActiveModel::Dirty that control changes state.

  • Ability to specify multiple contexts when defining avalidation. (Pull Request)

  • attribute_changed? now accepts a hash to check if the attribute was changed:from and/or :to a givenvalue. (Pull Request)

8 Active Support

Rails Generate Model

Please refer to theChangelogfor detailed changes.

8.1 Removals

  • Removed MultiJSON dependency. As a result, ActiveSupport::JSON.decodeno longer accepts an options hash for MultiJSON. (Pull Request / More Details)

  • Removed support for the encode_json hook used for encoding custom objects intoJSON. This feature has been extracted into the activesupport-json_encodergem.(Related Pull Request /More Details)

  • Removed deprecated ActiveSupport::JSON::Variable with no replacement.

  • Removed deprecated String#encoding_aware? core extensions (core_ext/string/encoding).

  • Removed deprecated Module#local_constant_names in favor of Module#local_constants.

  • Removed deprecated DateTime.local_offset in favor of DateTime.civil_from_format.

  • Removed deprecated Logger core extensions (core_ext/logger.rb).

  • Removed deprecated Time#time_with_datetime_fallback, Time#utc_time andTime#local_time in favor of Time#utc and Time#local.

  • Removed deprecated Hash#diff with no replacement.

  • Removed deprecated Date#to_time_in_current_zone in favor of Date#in_time_zone.

  • Removed deprecated Proc#bind with no replacement.

  • Removed deprecated Array#uniq_by and Array#uniq_by!, use nativeArray#uniq and Array#uniq! instead.

  • Removed deprecated ActiveSupport::BasicObject, useActiveSupport::ProxyObject instead.

  • Removed deprecated BufferedLogger, use ActiveSupport::Logger instead.

  • Removed deprecated assert_present and assert_blank methods, use assertobject.blank? and assert object.present? instead.

  • Remove deprecated #filter method for filter objects, use the correspondingmethod instead (e.g. #before for a before filter).

  • Removed 'cow' => 'kine' irregular inflection from defaultinflections. (Commit)

8.2 Deprecations

  • Deprecated Numeric#{ago,until,since,from_now}, the user is expected toexplicitly convert the value into an AS::Duration, i.e. 5.ago => 5.seconds.ago(Pull Request)

  • Deprecated the require path active_support/core_ext/object/to_json. Requireactive_support/core_ext/object/json instead. (Pull Request)

  • Deprecated ActiveSupport::JSON::Encoding::CircularReferenceError. This featurehas been extracted into the activesupport-json_encodergem.(Pull Request /More Details)

  • Deprecated ActiveSupport.encode_big_decimal_as_string option. This feature hasbeen extracted into the activesupport-json_encodergem.(Pull Request /More Details)

  • Deprecate custom BigDecimalserialization. (Pull Request)

8.3 Notable changes

  • ActiveSupport's JSON encoder has been rewritten to take advantage of theJSON gem rather than doing custom encoding in pure-Ruby.(Pull Request /More Details)

  • Improved compatibility with the JSON gem.(Pull Request /More Details)

  • Added ActiveSupport::Testing::TimeHelpers#travel and #travel_to. Thesemethods change current time to the given time or duration by stubbingTime.now and Date.today.

  • Added ActiveSupport::Testing::TimeHelpers#travel_back. This method returnsthe current time to the original state, by removing the stubs added by traveland travel_to. (Pull Request)

  • Added Numeric#in_milliseconds, like 1.hour.in_milliseconds, so we can feedthem to JavaScript functions likegetTime(). (Commit)

  • Added Date#middle_of_day, DateTime#middle_of_day and Time#middle_of_daymethods. Also added midday, noon, at_midday, at_noon andat_middle_of_day asaliases. (Pull Request)

  • Added Date#all_week/month/quarter/year for generating dateranges. (Pull Request)

  • Added Time.zone.yesterday andTime.zone.tomorrow. (Pull Request)

  • Added String#remove(pattern) as a short-hand for the common pattern ofString#gsub(pattern,'). (Commit)

  • Added Hash#compact and Hash#compact! for removing items with nil valuefrom hash. (Pull Request)

  • blank? and present? commit to returnsingletons. (Commit)

  • Default the new I18n.enforce_available_locales config to true, meaningI18n will make sure that all locales passed to it must be declared in theavailable_localeslist. (Pull Request)

  • Introduce Module#concerning: a natural, low-ceremony way to separateresponsibilities within aclass. (Commit)

  • Added Object#presence_in to simplify adding values to a permitted list.(Commit)

9 Credits

See thefull list of contributors to Rails forthe many people who spent many hours making Rails, the stable and robustframework it is. Kudos to all of them.


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