Crypto Key Generate Rsa Command Là Gì

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Crypto Key Generate Rsa Command Là Gì Average ratng: 7,7/10 1462 votes
  1. Crypto Key Generate Rsa 2048
  2. Crypto Key Generate Rsa 1024

TGMdemo(config)#crypto key generate rsa? General-keys Generate a general purpose RSA key pair for signing and encryption usage-keys Generate separate RSA key pairs for signing and encryption TGMdemo(config)#crypto key generate rsa gnereneral TGMdemo(config)#crypto key generate rsa general-keys? Exportable Allow the key to be exported. Find answers to SSH and crypto key generate command from the expert community at Experts Exchange. I have only entered the 'crypto key generate rsa' and then hit enter key Then it prompts me for modulus size default of 512 but I usually change to 1024. No crypto pki trustpoint. Crypto key zeroi. And then regenerate the keys and reenable ssh. Transport input ssh. Transport output ssh. Once I have generate the new keys. I should be able to do what I need to do successfully right? Thank you and I would appreciate your reply on the matter.

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Cisco :: Deleting Whole Crypto ISAKMP Setup / Policy?

Sep 27, 2012

Just looking at a new clients setup and they have a ISAKMP vpn to the old security company I am trying to remove..I am fairly new to cisco, I actually know how to setup the ISAKMP policies, acl's etc but never had to completely remove one before All I can find is Clear Commands which seem to just flush the config not actually delete any of the policy etc..Its not that urgent as all passwords are changed on the domain and the cisco, the usernames have been deleted as well.
#show crypto isakmp peers
Peer: ** Port: 500 Local: **
Phase1 id: **
#show crypto isakmp policy
Global IKE policy

Cisco Switching/Routing :: Cat6500 - Crypto Key Generate RSA Command Missing

Feb 10, 2013

I recently rebuilt the configuration of our Cat6500 multilayer device for use as a user stack. The device is funtioning as it should be, but I am unable to set SSH using the 'crypto key generate rsa' command. The crytop command isn't avaiable at all, which suggests a firmware issue.
I have configured a hostname and Ip domain-name and the image is the only one available.
The show version output is listed below.
show verCisco Internetwork Operating System SoftwareIOS (tm) s72033_rp Software (s72033_rp-IPSERVICES_WAN-VM), Version 12.2(18)SXF12, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)Technical Support: [URL] Copyright (c) 1986-2007

Cisco VPN :: 881 ISR Crypto Isakmp Not Available

Jun 26, 2011

I have to connect one of our it labors with some ec2 instances in amazon vpc. I downloaded a configuration file from amazon which starts with the command
crypto isakmp policy 200
My router tells me that he does not know crypto isakmp.
I searched on the internet and found that i have to install a specific license, but unfortunately i cannot find which license i have to install.
The show license command show following licenses
AdvIpServices active
AdvSecurity active
advsecurity_npe, ios-ips-update, waas_Express no state displayed
ssl_vpn active but eula not accepted
I found that i can accept the eula license with license boot module c880-data technology-package SSL_VPN command
But this command is also not available on my device. getting the crypto isakmp command working?

Cisco VPN :: 881 - Isakmp Crypto Module Not Available

Aug 21, 2012

I have a Cisco 881 ISR (CISCO881-SEC-K9) and have the advanced security license installed and enabled/active and in use (see screenshot). However, the isakmp crypto module is not available.

Cisco VPN :: C2811 - (Show Crypto Isakmp / Ipsec Sa) Shows Nothing

Feb 25, 2012

Generate 128-bit aes key in java. I have setup ipsec VPN in my C2811 router but when 'show crypto isakmp/ipsec sa' shows nothing. Remote end point is an 'ASA5520'. Does it indicates that the remote ASA5520 not yet configured?

Cisco VPN :: 2811 / 2921 - Show Crypto Isakmp Sa Is Empty / No SAs Shown?

Nov 24, 2012

i repalced old cisco router 2811 with new one 2921 , all works except crypto map VPNs routers can ping each other , ACLs are not applied to outbound interfaces show crypto isakmp sa is empty after i make same configuration on a new router 2921 config crypto isakmp policy 10
hash md5
authentication pre-share
crypto isakmp key key address Y.Y.Y.Y no-xauth
keys match , crypto isakmp policy is same , IOSs supoort VPN .interess traffic alse been initiated from both side and all worker in old cisco router with same configuration?

Cisco VPN :: VPN PIX 515E Which Isakmp Policy Are Applied

May 23, 2012

crypto map mapName 20 match address NAME_20_cryptomapcrypto map mapName 20 set peer IPADDRcrypto map mapName 20 set transform-set ESP-3DES-SHAcrypto map mapName interface IFNAMEcrypto isakmp identity addresscrypto isakmp enable IFNAMEcrypto isakmp policy 10authentication pre-shareencryption 3deshash md5group 2lifetime 86400crypto isakmp policy 30authentication pre-shareencryption 3deshash shagroup 2lifetime 86400crypto isakmp policy 50authentication pre-shareencryption aeshash shagroup 2lifetime 28800(code)
I need to be sure that when traffic matches access-list 'NAME_40_cryptomap' Isakmp policy 50 are used. And then traffic matches 'NAME_20_cryptomap' isakmp policy 10 are used. How do i link the crypto map with the specefic isakmp policy?

Cisco VPN :: ASA 5505 With 8.4 Image - ISAKMP Policy

Jul 26, 2011

I upgraded my Cisco asa from 7.2 to 8.4 system image. Now the old style syntax isakmp policy is not working anymore and I am not able to write a isakmp policy to being used for remote access VPN.
on many examples on Cisco site I have seen that it is always used Cisco any connect client installed on ASA. this means that the old configuration compatible with Cisco vpn client IPSEC is no more usable ? or what kind of syntax I have to use to configure remote access VPN ? for example these commands are not working anymore.
hostname(config)# isakmp policy 1 authentication pre-share
hostname(config)# isakmp policy 1 encryption 3des

Cisco VPN :: Remove Default Isakmp Policy On Router (3845)?

Apr 27, 2011

My company recently failed a PCI scan because our router was returning 56bit des encryption for isakmp negotiation on an existing default isakmp policy. How do I remove this default isakmp policy. I am not running 12.4(15)T1 so the no crypto isakmp policy default does not work. Is there any way other than upgrading the IOS?
Is there any way to configure a maximum number of isakmp policies that an authenticating router will check? I have 2 configured higher priority ISAKMP policies. Maybe if there is a command to limit the number of isakmp policies the router checks, that would eliminate this default policy being matched?

Cisco VPN :: C2921 / Setting ASA-Router VPN No Crypto Command Options

Jun 4, 2013

I am trying to set up vpn tunnel between ASA and router C2921 for site-to-site routing. This was described on many sites. However I do not have required option under crypto command.
g1c1router1(config)#crypto ? key Long term key operations pki Public Key components
There are no crypto map etc options.
Some people suggested that I need crypto IOS. I have:
boot system flash:c2900-universalk9-mz.SPA.152-4.M3.bin
license udi pid CISCO2921/K9 sn FGL171910C1
Do I have to generate some keys? How do I do it? crypto key generate ?

Cisco WAN :: 1941 / Cannot Apply Service Policy On Multiple Serial Ports

Jul 18, 2011

I've run a across a strange issue that I've not encountered before and after the things I've tried am beginning to think it's a limitation of the router itself. What I have are 3 Cisco 1941 routers that are all endpoints for a customer's MPLS network. STL is the headquarters and both remote offices have a link back this router. Each of the remote locations only have 1 serial interface. It is a flat network with few routes and a small shoretel voip system running across it. Each router is running C1900 Software (C1900-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.0(1)M5, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2).
QoS is configured as follows on each router:
class-map match-any AutoQoS-VoIP-Remark
match ip dscp ef
match ip dscp cs3
match ip dscp af31
class-map match-any AutoQoS-VoIP-Control-UnTrust
match access-group name AutoQoS-VoIP-Control
class-map match-any AutoQoS-VoIP-RTP-UnTrust
If I try to apply the policy map to serial0/0/0, I get the following error:
% policy map utoQos-Policy-Untrust not configured
I've tried to create a different policy map with the same settings and get the same error. We thought that when it was first set up, each interface belonged to the same network, so we separated things out (hence the .252 mask). I'm not sure what else to try and I'm hoping its something painfully simple that I'm missing.

Cisco WAN :: Getting 1941 Tunnel Bandwidth Command?

May 13, 2011

I have a Cisco 1941 router with the Security license running IOS c1900-universalk9-mz.SPA.151-4.M.bin. Is there a 'tunnel bandwidth' command like with routers that have the Advanced IP Services license? My concern is being able to adjust the bandwidth to a value greater than 8 Mbps..

Cisco WAN :: MLS QoS Map Command Missing On 2801

Oct 31, 2012

I am trying to run the following commands on a 2801 router, but the commands are missing:
mls qos
mls qos map cos-dscp 0 8 16 40 32 46 48 56
The only QoS command i have in global config is (no MLS qos) :
REMOTE-ROUTER1(config)#qos ?
restore-show-output Restore old show output
shape-timer Set the HQF shape timer interval
The router is running IOS:
System image file is 'flash:c2801-ipbasek9-mz.151-4.M5.bin'
Am i just running the incorrect IOS or am i missing somehting, i need to change the QoS Map for my Nortel VoIP. The VoIP phones connect to a 3750 PoE which used to conenct to a 2651XM to route VoIP and data traffic over the same copper pairs (WAN link to hub site) hence the need for a Service policy but being Nortel phones, require changing the cos-dscp map. the 2801 is going to replace the 2651XM using a new HWIC.

Cisco :: Missing IP Helper Address Command

Apr 6, 2012

I have a stack of 3750's running IOS 12.2(25). 'IP forward-protocal' command is configured, but the IP helper command is just not an option to put on an interface. Any have any idea of why that could be?

Cisco :: Missing Letters On Command Line

Mar 11, 2013

My 3550 is always 2 characters short on the command line. So my global configuration mode will look like this:Switch3550(config Say I wanted to enabled ftp, it would look like:Switch3550(config)# ftp enab.

Cisco :: 3560 - Missing IPv6 Tunnel Command?

Sep 17, 2011

I've finally got my 3560 switch IPv6 capable (IP Services IOS), but I've stumbled upon something strange: I can configure a tunnel interface, but I can't put the tunnel in ipv6ip mode. The command is missing. I can choose GRE, IP in IP, and a bunch of other things, but no ipv6ip. I'm a bit desperate here and probably I am going to have to live with it, but just in case? I need the IPv6 tunnel for an uplink to a tunnel broker which only supports this type of tunnel, and I'm surprised this is missing.

Cisco :: Missing Information On Sup 7L-E 10GE (show Command)

Oct 9, 2012

My customer has upgrade his 4506 from 6L-E to 7L-E 10GE.Ever since then if he run the command show dot1x interface gigabitEthernet x/x details some information are not been displayed (below are missing information)Is this intensional or do I need to kick this to TAC?

Cisco WAN :: ASR 1004 Bridge Group Command Missing

Jul 19, 2012

On the Cisco forums, an example is shown for how to configure BVI and bridge-groups on an ASR1004 but the same command (bridge-group) is not available under the interface on our ASR routers. We are running version of code: asr1000rp1-advipservicesk9.03.06.00.S.152-2.S.bin

Cisco Wireless :: Missing Configuration Command In CLI (1140 AP)

Jun 16, 2012

I am trying to chang IP configuraton for my Cisco 1140 AP, but in CLI I dont have a 'config' command (i used en before to enable administrative mode)
Bellow are the commands I can see:
Exec commands:
cd Change current directory

Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 5.2 Command Set Policy Not Working On Console?

Nov 27, 2012

I configure my Cisco ACS5.2 using Command set policy and providing Shell access 15.I allow user only “show * ” command.It works fine with Telnet. User Group cannot execute any command apart from “Show * ”But when I connect the device using Console user group has full permission on the devices.I believe Command set policy is not working on Console. Is it normal behavior or do I need to update some changes in ACS or Network devices ?
My network device configuration is as below :
tacacs-server host 10.x.x.x key test123
tacacs-server host 10.y.y.y key test123
tacacs-server timeout 1
aaa authentication login default group tacacs+ local
aaa authentication enable default group tacacs+ enable
aaa accounting exec default start-stop group tacacs+
aaa accounting commands 1 default start-stop group tacacs+

Cisco Wireless :: Aironet 1231G - Missing Channel Command?

Jun 14, 2011

I have two Aironet 1231Gs, that are both running the same version of fimware: Version 12.3(8)JEE
From the gui, I try and change the channel on the main radio interface--It works from one, and I get just a blank page on the other. When I try and change it via the cli, I use the 'channel' command in conf int mode, and it works one the one, but the other one, the 'channel' command doesnt exist.

Cisco WAN :: WS-C3560G-48TS / The Command Track Number Rtr Is Missing

Feb 21, 2012

I have a switch WS-C3560G-48TS.The version of IOS is:
WS-C3560G-48TS 12.2(58)SE2 C3560-IPSERVICESK9-M
The command 'track number rtr' is missing. There are just three options there:
#track 10 ?
interface Select an interface to track
ip IP protocol
list Group objects in a list
Why is that so and where is rtr?I have the same switch with the following ios version:
WS-C3560G-24TS 12.2(50)SE1 C3560-IPSERVICESK9-M
rtr is present in there.

Cisco WAN :: 7609-S Service Policy Output Command Not Supported?

Sep 26, 2012

I am facing issue while configuring service-policy output command in Cisco 7609-S router with c7600s72033-adventerprisek9-mz.122-33.SRE2.bin IOS. However, in the same series router having IOS c7600s72033-adventerprisek9-mz.122-33.SRC6.bin is supported service-policy output.Both the switch have WS-SUP720-3BXL SUP.

Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 4.2 Command Sets Mapping To Access Policy

May 2, 2011

how to map my command shells that I created to the access policies under Default Device Admin/Authorization. All I get an option for is Shell Profile but not commands. See attached doc.ACS 4.2 was easy. I would just create a command set and apply to a group.

Cisco WAN :: Configure Policy-map With Police Command At Router 7606-S?

Crypto Key Generate Rsa 2048

Dec 27, 2011

Im having problem configuring policies for limiting traffic on subinterfaces on cisco Router 7606-S. I have configured:
So for egressQOS , i want to configure with police, not shape (for the memory reason).

Cisco VPN :: Missing Client Configuration Group Command - Old 2600 Router

May 9, 2012

I need to create a Cisco VPN Client connection: I am following the cisco vpn client link and I don't have the command crypto isakmep client configuration group XXXXX
This is what I get: crypto isakmp client configuration ? address-pool Set network address for client
This is my show version, if there is an IOS that will work:
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) C2600 Software (C2600-IK9S-M), Version 12.2(17a), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Copyright (c) 1986-2003 by cisco Systems, Inc.

Cisco WAN :: Unable To Configure Service Policy Output Command In 2921 Router

Apr 25, 2011

I am not able to configure Service policy output command in Cisco 2921 router.While configuring I am getting below error.Same config is working fine in Cisco 3845 router.I am suspectting the problem with license in IOS.

Cisco Switching/Routing :: 1941 / Policy Based Routing With Two Default Routes

Jun 24, 2012

I have a 1941 router configured for Policy based routing with two ISPs.Two static default routes configured to point the gateways of respoective ISPs with same metric.But the problem is, packets are going throug the one ISP only while doing traceroute.
N/W connectivity:
ISP1-----> <----------------------> LAN1
ISP-------> <----------------------> LAN 2
Below is my configuration :
Current configuration : 5958 bytes
! Last configuration change at 05:18:56 UTC Mon Jun 25 2012
version 15.0
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption

Cisco Switching/Routing :: Radius Server Command Missing From Global Configuration Mode 4510R

Feb 22, 2013

I came across an interesting issue and thought I would see if anyone else has encountered it before contacting TAC.I have two Cisco Catalyst WS-4510R-E switches with a single Supervisor V module in each chassis. Both Sup cards are now running 12.2(54) SG1; ipbasek9 firmware; yes, I plan to move both switches to 15 code but that's another story. Anyways, prior to the upgrade the one switch was running 12.2 (33) code; I suspect the code was never upgraded; running ipbase non - K9 code. The other switch was running 12.2(44) with K9 prior to upgrade to 12.2(54).

Cisco Switching/Routing :: Radius Server Command Missing From Global Configuration Mode 4510R-E

Apr 23, 2012

I have two Cisco Catalyst WS-4510R-E switches with a single Supervisor V module in each chassis. Both Sup cards are now running 12.2(54) SG1; ipbasek9 firmware; yes, I plan to move both switches to 15 code but that's another story. Anyways, prior to the upgrade the one switch was running 12.2 (33) code; I suspect the code was never upgraded; running ipbase non - K9 code. The other switch was running 12.2(44) with K9 prior to upgrade to 12.2(54). With the background set, one switch reports the following:SwitchA (config)#r?radius-server redundancy regexp represourc rmon route-map router.

Cisco :: Encryption Method On ISAKMP

Crypto Key Generate Rsa 1024

Feb 3, 2012

Is 3DES on ISAKMP considered to be secured for your average site (other options are AES/DES)? I'd imagine AES should be much stronger but what about DES, is that considered adequate or broken? Is there any proof of concept attack against 3DES on ISAKMP (or ISAKMP in general)?

Cisco Routers :: RVS4000 - ISAKMP Nat

Sep 13, 2011

I'm currently dealing with a weird problem on a Cisco RVS4000. I'm trying to connect to a IPSEC VPN Gateway (NETASQ) located on the LAN side of the RVS4000. I'm using Green bow vpn client on the WAN side of the RVS4000. Basically I'm trying to get through the RVS.My VPN config is OK because i tested it on the LAN side of the RVS.
The RVS is configured like this: NO VPN configured.
Block WAN Request :OFF
NAT forwarding on for UDP 500 and 4500 directed from the wan to the ip of the VPN gateway. Seems right because iv managed to do this with other routers (different brands) on another site.I've wire sharked my vpn client and i keep getting ICMP destination unreachable (PORT UNREACHABLE) after my ISAKMP launching packet.Can the RVS nat these ports ?

Python PyCrypto: Generate RSA Keys
Generate an RSA keypair with an exponent of 65537 in PEM format
param: bits The key length in bits
Return private key and public key
new_key=RSA.generate(bits, e=65537)
returnprivate_key, public_key

commented Aug 5, 2016

Pycrypto is unmaintained and has known vulnerabilities. Use pycryptodome, it is a drop-in replacement.

commented Aug 16, 2016

commented Jan 17, 2017

e should be random methinks =P

commented May 17, 2017

@miigotu 'youthinks' wrong. e should be chosen so that e and λ(n) are coprime. It is not chosen at random, and since it is usually small for computation reasons, and included in the public key, it can always be known by an attacker anyway.

commented Aug 17, 2017

from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
code = 'nooneknows'

key = RSA.generate(2048)
privatekey = key.exportKey(passphrase=code, pkcs=8)
publickey = key.publickey().exportKey()

commented Jan 15, 2018

Nice But How Can I Write The Private Key I Tried This:
f = open('PublicKey.pem','w')


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commented Jan 30, 2018

@WarAtLord try publick_key.exportKey('PEM')

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